Picking the wrong speaker is disastrous
But how can you tell
- if a speaker can command the stage?
- a newbie from a seasoned pro?
- if they can adapt to fit your conference theme?
Feeling anxious?
It's not just you.
Even the most experienced meeting planners mistakenly hire a speaker that bombs, or get seduced by the next bright shiny topic.

Is there a Better Way?
Remove doubts and uncertainty by ensuring your next speaker provides:
- Validation: Don Schmincke has received multiple awards across many industries. The largest CEO member organization has awarded him as best speaker, the Millennium Award, Top Performer Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award. His books also became bestsellers on Amazon and CEO Read.
- Experience: Don has presented at over 2,000 events across five continents. He has not only trained thousands of CEOs, but implements what he teaches ...
Yes. Let that sit for a moment.
Here's a speaker that doesn't just speak, but also implements his work in a hundred industries.
- Freshness: Beyond an amazing keynote, Don reveals eye-opening moments from his Himalayan, Asian, and African expeditions. Your audiences discover knowledge never before published or seen with other speakers.
- How to lead differently using genetic, evolutionary triggers.
- What drove the high market penetration of Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson.
When your audiences get exposed to this, they'll feel it was worth their time and money to attend your event.
- Impact. Motivational speeches are just not enough anymore. Gone are the days when just hiring a celebrity works. Your inspiring and entertaining speaker needs to be a subject matter expert. Don’s background at MIT, Johns Hopkins, and the Harvard biomedical lab, as well as training over 30,000 CEOs in a hundred industries, makes him a proven resource.
- Immediate Take-Home Value. Today, competitive alternatives to live events are just a click away. Audiences need to walk away with immediate application ideas for impacting their life and business. Don delivers. Just ask the 30,000 executives who've heard him.
All comes together with Don as he adds entertainment, interaction, customization, and flexibility. Don's dry, irreverent sense of humor has audiences laughing out loud. Your attendees will be glued to their seats. He studies your audience to customize for maximum impact, and works with your team pre-event to help tune the agenda, introductions, workshop flows, and other event elements.
OK. Now Let's Find Out About This Guy, Don.

Lou Dobbs (CNN interview)
“One of the most effective management forms in history.”

Bestselling Author
High Altitude Leadership
- #7 Leadership Bestseller (Amazon)
- #2 Hottest New Release (Amazon)
- With Chris Warner, top rescue climber, NBC Emmy-nominated .
"Using harrowing first person accounts of life and death . . . lessons that leaders need to reach the highest peak of success in business. Dare to be a high altitude leader. Read this book!"
Ken Blanchard
Bestselling Author
The Code of the Executive
- Top 5 Best-Seller (CEOREAD)
- Now In 12 languages
“What a book! Short, fast, effective 1000 years of leadership principles in 100 pages. It should be read and remembered by every executive.”
Brian Tracy
Bestselling Author
Winners and Losers
- #1 Amazon Best-Seller in Entrepreneurship
- Top 20 Best Business Minds Award
“A fresh view of how the world of entrepreneurship really works!”
Cy Wakeman
NYT Bestselling author
Industry experts validate Don's contribution
"One of the most sophisticated thinkers I’ve ever met, and led one of the most interesting lives I’ve ever heard about (Think “Peter Drucker meets Indiana Jones”).”
Mark Levy
Founder of Levy Innovation and Simon Sinek's coach
“Don is a true renaissance man. He masterly succeeds in describing the mental and emotional mindset of successful entrepreneurs, leaving the reader with an all-new perspective.”
George Stalk
Senior Partner (retired) The Boston Consulting Group, frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review
Awarded Top-10 Speaker
- By World’s Largest CEO Membership Organization
- Over 2,000 speeches
“One of the most respected management gurus in the world.”
Jack Covert“So different from the ‘flavor of the month’ speeches we hear so much of.”
CEO, Chemical Industry Conference

In Demand!
- Over 75 speeches annually
- Heard by over 30,000 executives
- Hundreds of industry publications
“By far the best speaker with the best message of any.”
Retail Industry Conference


“So different from the ‘flavor of the month’ speeches we hear so much at conferences.”
Aerospace Conference

“By far the best speaker with the best message of any at the leadership symposium.”
Association Conference

"The learning we gained is showing up all over our company. It's very cool to see it happening!"
Internal Hi-Tech Corporate Workshop

"We've had great speakers, but you're the only one who received 100's from everyone! Great job!"
Hi-Tech Conference

"Very insightful! At the conference, you brought me to tears. One of the best presentations I ever heard! "
HR Conference

"We are ever so grateful for helping us see the truth. You really have a most unique gift to share!"
CEO Council
I've got a lot to show you.
... accused by a NY press agency of providing “the most provocative view of business than any other speaker today.”
What else would you expect from an MIT and Johns Hopkins researcher who was nearly arrested as a capitalist spy in the Soviet Bloc, got shot off an aircraft carrier, survived in the Kurdish capital as Tehran held hostages, was the first white person brought into an African Tsonga village, and developed missile inertial guidance systems while his frat brothers took Vegas (later portrayed in the movie “21”)?
Many find Don's irreverence refreshing and his methods effective. His systems have been validated in organizations from the Fortune 100 like DuPont, DHL, Apple, and Verizon, to the U.S. Navy.
Download Don's Bio
Videos of Dons' Speeches
click here for Don's Headshots
Ready to get started?
Today is the day! Let's do this!
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